Fred Abbott - President
Cathy Abbott - Vice President for Art and Design
Fred Abbott started BlueAntWorks as a publishing platform primarily for technical works involving intellectual property. He is well known for his work in that field. Since its founding in 2018, the vision of BlueAntWorks has expanded to encompass design, both in the digital and physical spaces. BlueAntWorks has a close association with a noted web and mobile design studio, Bitdisco, based in the San Francisco Bay Area. BlueAntWorks maintains an in-house music studio for use with website development work. It also provides design consultation in connection with landscaping projects.
BlueAntWorks is creating a series of offerings of instructional materials for professionals and students in the field of intellectual property and related subject matter, including innovation in the fields of health and the environment.
From an early age, Cathy was drafted as model and photographer's assistant, eventually doing her own photography and videography with a women's collective working on environmental issues.
She has an MBA from Berkeley's Haas School of Business, and for the past 15 years or so has been primarily focused on building, landscape and interior design.
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